lauantai 21. joulukuuta 2013

Renegade - Erica Stevens

Nimi: Renegade
Trilogia/sarja: The Captive, #2
Kirjailija: Erica Stevens
Kustantaja: Omakustanne/Createspace
Julkaisuvuosi: 2012
Sivuja: 206 englanninkielisessä pokkarissa
Luettavaksi: Omasta hyllystä
Tähdet: ☆☆☆☆☆

Juonikuvaus: Though she is free of the palace, rescued from her position as a blood slave, Aria is haunted by the memories of her time spent within the fortress, tormented by memories of Braith, the prince that betrayed her and shattered her heart.
      Every day is a struggle to get through, and the only solace she is able to find is with Max, her best friend, and fellow captive. Though Max does not understand her bond to Braith, he knows some of what she endured, and helps to ease some of the tattered pieces of her soul. Aria slowly begins to salvage the broken parts of her wounded spirit by throwing herself into the wonder of the woods she had so greatly missed, and the secure and reassuring love that Max freely gives her. Her world is thrown into a tailspin again though when a marauding group of vampires destroy the caves she had found temporary shelter in.
      Scattered about the forest, seeking to stay hidden and find her family, Aria is stunned when Braith, the monster that savaged her heart, reappears. Stunned by his sudden arrival in her world, Arianna is uncertain if he has come to recapture her, or to kill her for daring to escape.

Ajatukseni: Tämän kirjan arvostelun virkaa tulee toimittamaan tilannekatsaukseni Goodreadsissä.

Sivulla 26/206
Oh man, these characters... only 26 pages in and I already want to slap them? I'm in trouble.”

Sivulla 56/206
These two really deserve each other... Braith throws a mega level tantrum when Aria goes back home to her family and friends. He's acting like a little spoiled brat. Oh come on, man, really? You go kill people and take bloodslaves because your shiny toy dared to return home? And they both are just whining on and on about their affair being all a lie and boo-hoo. These two...”

Sivulla 59/206
All's forgiven and forgotten now, huh? Oh but no! Braith still has to tell Aria what he has done the past couple months: murders, taking bloodslaves... I can imagine Braith going: ”Oh, btw, I killed people and took bloodslaves because you dared to leave me. I called you names like a six-year-old and threw multiple tantrums and in overall was a huge jackass. So no hard feelings, right?” Yeah, no hard feelings.”

Sivulla 61/206
Ooh, he's telling her! And I'll bet she's going to forgive him and blames herself for what Braith did.”

Sivulla 63/206
Aria, you are an idiot! Braith, you're on my shitlist. He has no right to be angry at her for being friends with Maxan actual nice guyafter everything he has done! He has a fiancée, for crying out loud! He has nada, zip, zero, zilch trust in her. He claims to love her yet right away he's ready to believe the worst of her and do all kinds of shit, and he thinks he has right to be jealous of Max? Screw you, Braith!”

Sivulla 67/206
Jack, I love you right now. Especially for calling these two idiots out. And you're making quite a good point with Aria being a child and Braith being a 900-year-old vampire. How is that not pedophilia? Oh, silly me, of course it isn't since he's so hot. Being creepy is totally okay when you're hot, isn't that right? Just like Twilight and Dinner with a Vampire!

Sivulla 79/206
Braith is a sociopath. If he actually cared for Aria, he'd let her go. He'd leave her be with her family and friends, not do what he's doing. He is the reason why Aria is so messed up and broken, and it will be his fault when she'll be killed by his father or someone else. Because he wants to possess her. She is a child, but he should know better. This is some bullshit right here.”

Sivulla 83/206
I really don't even care about the non-existing worldbuilding or the bad writing, but what really gets on my nerves are these friggin' characters. Aria thinks that her family has no reason to hate the vampire prince who bought her as a bloodslave, and when they try to defend her, she thinks it's only "bullheaded male stubbornness". I eagerly want to knock some sense into her. How ungrateful can this little airhead be!?”

Sivulla 107/206
Aria, did you... Did you just really choose a sosiopathic monster over your own family? These people have always been there for you, helped and cared for you, yet you'd really dump them for this lunatic monster who has no personality traits other than rage and anger? And all you have to say is: ”Neither of us intended this, but it's happened, and I can't... I can't let him go.” I am actually loss at words. Just like I was with Violet and Kaspar.”

Sivulla 118/206
This is so fucking stupid! This is ridiculous! There is no plausible way for these two to be together. It is simply not possible! What on earth are they gonna do? How on earth are they gonna solve this "little" problem they have? Braith is to be a king, and if the news of him being involved with a bloodslave, a human rebel would get out, they'd kill her with him watching. For fuck's sake this shit. Excuse my French.”

Sivulla 120/206
Wow. Just, wow. Did Braith just imply that their relationship is healthy, romantic and right, because they ”chose” to be with each other? I just... I cannot even. This is disgusting. I didn't think it'd even be possible but their relationship is more unhealthy and creepier than Edward and Bella's or Violet and Kaspar's... and that's saying a lot. Braith ripped Aria away from her family and it'll be on him when she'll be tortured to death.”

Sivulla 131/206
That kiss might just be the most unromantic and disgusting kiss I have ever read about. Braith actually claims that their relationship is pure! I cannot even begin to describe how horrible and unhealthy their relationship is. It's so dysfuntional that it gives the two other vampire fandoms a run for their money. How anyone can read this and think it's romantic is beyond me. I don't get it. But hey, that's just me.”

Sivulla 136/206
These two need a reality checkdesperately. What are they gonna do? What on earth are they really gonna do? Run forever? There is no reasonable way for them to be together. It's impossible. This is so stupid and I feel so frustrated! These dysfunctional relationships that authors try to view as romantic and healthy especially when they're anything but are really getting on my nerves. Authors really need to stop romanticizing these relationships!”

Sivulla 154/206
The author just keeps throwing these random characters to the story, but she doesn't foreshadow any of them at all. There are no previous mentions of any kind of these charactersthey just pop up out of nowhere and the reader is just supposed to go with it. This is not good storytelling!”

Sivulla 170/206
Braith really has nothing else to him but good looks and crazy, raging, sosiopathic nature. The whole time he really wants to kill people and torture them just because they disobey him. He threatens to go all rampage if somebody does as much as only looks at Aria or even sneezes in the wrong direction. But it's all okay because he's hot, right? Because they're hot it's totally okay to act like this, just like it was totally okay for Kaspar and Edward! If not hot, they'd be so hated.”

Sivulla 206/206
Done with this shit. Will not be reading the third book.”

Minä vihasin tätä kirjaa. Tässä oli niin paljon samaa kuin Twilightissa ja Illallisessa vampyyrin kanssa. Jokaista näitä kolmea tarinaa yhdistää reilusti vanhempi jätkä, jolla on ilmiselvästi vikaa päänupissa – kaikki kolme saavat aivan käsittämättömiä raivokohtauksia, manipuloivat, käyttävät voimaansa hyväkseen hallitakseen tyttöä, kohtelevat alentavasti, pahoinpitelevät, kiduttavat, käyttävät hyväkseen – kaikkea tällaista sairasta paskaa, mikä tosielämässä ajaisi tekijän mielenterveystutkimuksiin ja vankilaan.

Mutta huomaatteko, mikä näitä kaikkia jätkiä käytöksen lisäksi yhdistää ja minkä takia tämä muuttuu kriittisellä tavalla monien mielessä hyväksyttäväksi? Koska he ovat hyvännäköisiä. Kaikki kulminoituu tasan ja vain siihen pinnalliseen seikkaan, että he näyttävät hyvältä ulkoapäin. Mikäli he näyttäisivät joltain tavalliselta nakkikioskin kulmaan nojailevalta Penalta tai Jormalta, kaikki vihaisivat heitä. Jolleivät he olisi komeita, kukaan ei ihkuttaisi heidän ihanuuttaan.

Saatan tällä hetkellä astua monien varpaille, mutta minun on vain pakko saada tuotua mielipiteeni esille näistä suhteista, joita nuorten aikuisten kirjoissa kuvataan romanttisina. Ne eivät ole romanttisia. Se ei ole rakkautta. Ne ovat sairaita, epätasa-arvoisia ja todella epäterveellisiä. Tässä vaiheessa jotkut varmasti ajattelevat, että suhtaudun näihin liian vakavasti ja että kirjojahan nämä ovat.

Mutta ne eivät ole vain fiktiivisiä parisuhteita, vaan tällaista tapahtuu ihan tosielämässä. Olen itse aitiopaikalta päässyt todistamaan, mitä tällainen parisuhde aiheuttaa nuorelle ihmiselle. Eräs ystäväni oli todella epäterveellissä suhteessa ja oli kamalaa seurata sivusta, mitä se teki hänelle, ja olen suunnattoman iloinen, että hän onnistui pääsemään irti siitä suhteesta, vaikka muutama vuosi siinä menikin. Tästä syystä en voi sietää tällaisia parisuhteita, en edes fiktiivisissä tarinoissa. En millään saata pitää näitä romanttisina tai ihannoitavina.

Olen pahoillani, mikäli sanani ovat loukkaavia, mutta halusin selittää, miksi suhtaudun muun muassa yllä mainittuihin kirjoihin niin jyrkästi.

Palatakseni Renegadeen, totean vain, että minusta tämä kirja oli kamala. Kirjoitus ei ollut hyvää, maailmanrakennus täysin olematonta, hahmoja vain nakeltiin silmille ilman mitään ennalta mainintaa ja nämä päähenkilöt... He todella ansaitsevat toisensa.

Tämä osa sai minut niin suutuksiin. En varmasti aio jatkaa kolmanteen osaan.

Lukunäyte: Chapter 3, sivu 32
He [Braith] turned away, if there was anything to learn, Caleb would do it. He made his way back toward the palace, wondering where Jericho [Jack] had been during the raid, wondering who it was that she [Aria] had been with. Another man? Just how many damn men did she have in her life? He tried to tell himself that he didn't care about the answer to that question, but he knew he did. He could not deny it. The bitch had betrayed him, and now she was running free, wrapping even more men around her devious little finger. He hated her for making him one of those men.
      He easily made his way through the crowd, his mind churning. Resentment simmered hotly inside of him. He needed a new plan. He couldn't simply sit here and allow her to get away with everything that she had done. He couldn't allow his brother to sit amongst the humans, laughing about how he had managed to deceive his eldest brother, and his family.
      Braith had made the decision to let them be, he was now beginning to rethink that decision. They should pay for what they had done, and he could make them do that. They may be able to avoid his men, but they couldn't avoid him.
      Especially her.

The Captive -sarja
Captured (2012)
Renegade (2012)
Refugee (2012)
Salvation (2013)

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